
Jens Timmer

Prof. Dr.
Associated Investigator
Mathematical Modelling of Cellular Protein Machineries

University of Freiburg
Institute of Physics

Hermann-Herder Str. 3
79104 Freiburg

Academic Career

Since 2005 Full Professor for Theoretical Physics and its Application in the Life Sciences, University of Freiburg
1999 Habilitation, University of Freiburg
1998 – 2005 Associate and Assistant Professor, University of Freiburg
1996 – 1998 Postdoctoral fellow, Boulder University, EPFL Lausanne, Humboldt University, New York University. MPI Physics of Complex Systems Dresden, Potsdam University, Heidelberg University
1994 – 1996 Group leader, Center for Data Analysis and Modelling, University of Freiburg
1990 – 1994 PhD, University of Freiburg